Carwash Industry Under Government Scrutinization?

There are two major problems with our government’s approach to the carwash industry and those are what they’re calling the “American Automobile Association” and the “Car Wash Association”. If you’ll recall during the campaign we had a carwash guy who was running against Joe Lora of Miami Beach and he used this analogy to attack Joe. He said; “You know what it’s like to have your car washed by the American automobile association”. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. 

Well, there is a bit of a problem: with that analogy because the American automobile association is totally out of hand and they are way out of control. And in the case of the carwash industry, they are way out of control and it is really unfair to say the least. The American car wash association is very confused. They do not appear to understand what the carwash industry does and they certainly cannot seem to fix anything. You see, washing cars is a service and as a business or a trade we need to be able to sell that service. 

Now then, when President Obama was elected: he gave a speech about how he was going to change the carwash industry and make it better and this is a great speech and it made me very happy. However, I have to say that I think the Association of Specialists and Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers along with perhaps the American Society of Professional Car Washes should get together and form a committee to study the carwash industry. We need some broad-based thinking here folks. And I certainly hope the carwash association doesn’t mind if I put that in writing. I am sure they will be nice to me for that. 

Okay, so let’s put: this committee together and see what we can do concerning the carwash industry, but first let’s examine this situation in Washington DC and the carwash association. Well, President Obama and the city got their butt kicked in the stimulus package and they were supposed to help the carwash industry but instead they created the automobile association and now they are trying to help the washing machine dealers? In other words, they tried to co-opt the carwash association in order to get something back and that’s unfortunate. Indeed, it’s a shame really and it shows the dysfunction of government at all. 

Indeed, I attended a carwash conference: the other day in Palm Beach Gardens Florida and guess what, there were many people there who were upset and didn’t like the fact that the automobile association hit the carwash industry pretty hard and yet they tried to set up seminars and things like that. Well, let’s be careful here because if you hit someone you’re going to hurt them and if you set up seminars to teach carwash professionals how to save money, well they’re going to learn something. So, it appears that perhaps the automobile association and those folks don’t get the last laugh. Indeed, I hope you will please consider this and think on it.

Perhaps you can help me out and write of any thoughts on this subject.