Automotive Technology is a company in Canada, which is engaged in the production and development of wireless devices, including devices used for personal mobility. The Canadian company was established in 2021 and as of this writing is involved in the production and sale of mobility tracking devices under several different brand names, with additional sub-brands. Automotie is focused on the market for electronic mobility devices to help aid in making everyday tasks such as daily walking, grocery shopping, and other daily life activities safer, more convenient, and easier.

The Automotie name is taken from a word referring to Automobile Navigation Systems and is meant to evoke images of the control and mapping capabilities that are a must on modern street cars and other types of modern motor vehicles. Automotie’s goal is to enable individuals with mobility impairments to be able to drive or use other standard hand held devices while navigating, without requiring the need to rely on a battery or external power source. In doing so, Automotie seeks to fill a significant demand in the mobility industry. With its Data Recovery software and Device Recovery system, Automotie seeks to provide improved efficiency, as well as improved user experience.

Automotie data recovery and Device Recovery products are designed to be intuitive and easy to use. The devices include laptops, smart phones, tablet computers, iPods, and other portable devices. They are available for both onsite and offsite backup, and as many as 10 backup devices can be stored on one server for storage and disaster recovery. Users can choose to retrieve and upload their data either by the serial number on the device, the password that is provided by the Automotie login, or by a manual entry into the recovery console. This software allows users to recover their data from any computer and any operating system.