Automotive Technology is a Canadian company that has developed an effective satellite navigation system for the commercial market. The automotive technology satellite navigation system will allow the user of the system to determine their position without the use of any navigational devices such as GPS or SERMs. This is particularly helpful for truck drivers, who may have difficulty determining their exact location due to poor lighting or other problems. The Automotie system will also allow the driver to determine their current location on the road with the push of a button. The automotive technology navigation system is similar to that of other satellite navigation systems and can easily be integrated into most current vehicles.

In addition to this Automotie technology navigation system, the company has developed a way to adjust the satellite position reference dates so that vehicles always have an accurate position in relation to the road. This is especially useful to those drivers who frequently change positions, as it means that they are never off the road. This is particularly important for trucks, as it makes it much easier for them to ensure their continued safe operation, even when traveling over long distances.

Automotie technology navigation system has the potential to revolutionize the trucking industry, as it represents one of the most advance ways to ensure that drivers are never lost. The system is easy to use and reliable, and is already proving to be a boon to the trucking and transportation industries. Even though there are other navigation systems available, Automotie represents one of the most advanced products on the market. This is a product that will only grow in popularity in the future.