Vehicle Stories, the latest from director Tom Hanks, is a hilarious take on the life of the great auto salesman, Jack Nicklaus. The film follows Nicklaus as he plows through a series of experiences, from working his way up in a big dealership to dealing with some shady characters. If you enjoy a good comedy with an edge, then this movie is definitely worth a look.

The majority of the film is centered on Jack Nicklaus’ personal life, and although he gets into some ridiculous scrapes along the way, he ultimately proves himself to be the smartest, most successful car salesman in history. The majority of the film focuses on his triumph at the Nascar Race, where he wins the biggest prize in motorsports history. Throughout the rest of the film, various other vehicle owners try to steal from Jack, but he easily gets away with them all. It seems as though he’s always looking for more opportunities to cross paths with someone who will help him build his fortune, even if that someone happens to be a complete fraud.

The film is well worth your time, because it is one of the best vehicle stories you’ll ever have the pleasure of experiencing. If you have ever driven a car or even considered driving one, then you know what a special feeling it can have when you see that shiny new vehicle parked in the driveway. Vehicle Stories is an amazing film that chronicles the life of the greatest car salesman in history. If you’ve ever wondered how they do it, then this is the film for you.